
hello. hello. HOLA!

“Look to the present. The great disease of ‘I will be happy when …’ is sweeping the world. You know the symptoms. You start thinking: I’ll be happy when I get that … BMW … promotion … status … money. The only way to cure the disease is to find happiness and meaning now.”— Marshall Goldsmith

Okay, so I am pretty new to the whole blogspot thing. Hmmm, I wonder if everyone starts their first post out with a sentence like that?!
I had sucha busy morning, but I LOOOVE busy mornings so I can't complain. Nope, not one bit.

Avery and I woke up (pretty late actually) I popped some oats, honey, and milk in the micro and we ate together while watching Little Einsteins! yee yee! My husband and I actually get into some of her Disney shows... well just sometimes :)

Aves and I then ran our weekly errands, which are: collect rent checks, check the business mailbox, pay bills, and run by the bank...ya know the fun stuff!

Right about the time we finished up our errands we got a call from my dad asking if we could come out to the clinic to help revaccinate and work a few cattle. So- we head out to the clinic and work us some cattle! Actually...Avery just sat in her high chair and munched on some Chex Mix while I worked.

So today after the whole cattle extravaganza we played the famous game of CLEAN THE HOUSE! So, I proceeded to put away all of Avery's cute little toys. she was a lot of help getting out the things I had just put away. Oh well, as long as she had fun :)

Husbo came home early because he got rained out working on a house. He played with Avery while I went upstairs and worked out on the elliptical and then I worked on my arms with my resistance band. I love those bands! They are so versatile and it is pretty impossible to cheat because you are forced to have a pretty perfect technique while working out with them. I just had sooo much energy today. I was feeling very off the walls so I upped the resistant big time on the elliptical and tried to work extra hard! I love feeling exhausted after a good workout.

So after the workout I went back downstairs and the little family of 3 just played the rest of the night. Fun day...&GREAT night!

My husbo is slapping tilapia on the grill right now so I better go get filled up on that wonderful goodness.

Life is so much better when you stop and enjoy the small things...even when you are busy!

"The most well engineered Italian sports car; the most brilliant diamond; the rarest and finest Shafer Hillside wine at six hundred dollars a bottle. They all have glaring, unmistakable faults … they can bring you happiness, but they can’t fulfill and satisfy your life. That comes from dedication, knowledge, achievement, love, honor, and respect — which is far more precious than any stone, fine wine, or sports car."-unknown

1 comment:

  1. Casey, can you give my your email so I can get the recipe to you? It's kind of lengthy so I don't want to put it all in your comments...
